Monday, September 29, 2008

Sick Willow's Healing Potion

Willow has been sick for the last 3 or 4 days with a nasty cold and fever. One night this weekend, she woke up in the middle of the night looking for a drink and some medicine, and we were talking about all the different things we can do to feel better. After a while, she says to me, "All I need to feel better is God, and Jesus, and my Puppy. Then I'll be all better."

Which was hilarious.

But you know, she has been really nice to the puppy for the last week or so. I suppose you would be, if you categorized your puppy with the divine. She is a pretty great dog, after all.

Monday, September 22, 2008

More happy photo time!

Fear not, citizen. Your fate is in good hands.

I LOVE ILLINOIS WEATHER!!! We have the most amazing storms here. Glen took this picture while we drove underneath the storm front. It was amazing.

There are few things cooler than a big unexplained pile of dirt in the middle of a wide open field.

I loves my goofy hat. And I've got a thing for taking my own picture in elevators. Well, one elevator in particular. It's a thing, I don't know... stupid camera phones...

Me, with my very fine microbrew in Denver when I went for girls' weekend last year.

Our beautiful canine, Madison.

Makin' cookies with mah Glen (April 2008)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Photos!

Waiting to board the plane to Denver. Gideon was wearing his airplane shirt, carrying an airplane, and whenever he'd see an airplane would shriek, "AIRPLANE!!!"

Willow, at the St. Patty's day parade. We. Love. fuzzy. Hats.

Mom, Gramma, and Glen at the Jingle Bell 5K.

Bowlful of Gideon.

He fell off the couch while sleeping, and didn't even wake up.

Autumn camping happiness.

Willow at the garage sale -- had to try it on one last time.

Visiting with cousins in Denver.

I'll post more later -- there are months and months worth we're finding on our phones and cameras!