Monday, September 22, 2008

More happy photo time!

Fear not, citizen. Your fate is in good hands.

I LOVE ILLINOIS WEATHER!!! We have the most amazing storms here. Glen took this picture while we drove underneath the storm front. It was amazing.

There are few things cooler than a big unexplained pile of dirt in the middle of a wide open field.

I loves my goofy hat. And I've got a thing for taking my own picture in elevators. Well, one elevator in particular. It's a thing, I don't know... stupid camera phones...

Me, with my very fine microbrew in Denver when I went for girls' weekend last year.

Our beautiful canine, Madison.

Makin' cookies with mah Glen (April 2008)


Justin said...

is Glenn wearing a tin foil hat in that first picture? we really need to keep him away from Larry.

Unknown said...

Larry is the reason he's WEARING the foil hat...has to protect his brain from him!

Also...that pic of you with the microbrew, you REALLY look like Willow! :-D