Friday, October 17, 2008

August, 2008, Camping

In August, we camped with the Boatmans out at their grandma's farm, just 20 minutes out of town (which meant that we could camp but still make it to all our 'required' weekend events... it was perfect)

The whole weekend was marvelous. We got to try the most wonderful zucchini relish, went home with enough cucumbers to make our own pickle relish, got to go for an early morning country run, got to see an old cemetery, and got to sleep in the old Ted Williams Tent from Sears that's bigger than our first house together...

And we played and played and played.

Here's a few pictures of the boys (Gideon and Cole) playing on the big tractor together.


Caiti said...

Coming out of lurkdom to say....awww...what cute boys we have. Thanks for posting!