Monday, November 24, 2008

Pachelbel -- stole this from Sass

I've seen this one before, but it still cracks me up.

Sass posted it, so I'm stealing it... if you have time and haven't seen it, it's really cute.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Post from Justin I've got to share

Justin posted this video on his blog -- I love bluegrass, I love shape-note music, I love old hymns... I had to share this with you.

(and I'm pretty excited that I figured out how to embed a video)

Sunday, November 16, 2008


There's a good reason we don't go "out" to eat that often.

Really, it's just more comfortable for the public when we stay in.

And besides, we get to have craft time.

And the kids prefer it, anyway.

The rest of the album is here... Dinner with the Boatmans.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Halloween Photos

At last, Halloween Photos! The whole album is on photobucket -- you should be able to click any of the photos and get there, if you want to see them all.

Gideon was a Ninja Turtle, in an inspired night-before creation courtesy of Larry (the Shells are GREAT, and made with stuff we had around the house already). However, he got tired of the Shells after just a little while, and took them off -- so he's just wearing a green sweatsuit with a blue mask. Larry said, "It just looks like we didn't try!" But we swear, we did try!! The best laid plans ...

Willow was going to be a flamenco princess in her beautiful new flamenco dress from Spain, but at the last moment was infatuated with the hoop on her purple princess dress-- so she was princess Willow (and remained princess Willow for several days after Halloween. We did finally get her to take it off.)

Glen was Albert Pujols (another stroke of genius from Larry -- we already had everything we needed).

So this year's Halloween was an unparalleled success! We spent $0.00 and everyone was thrilled with their costume!

Caiti and Willow

Willow and Caiti.

Gideon, with the shells on!

Mr. Pujols.
In case the links don't work on the photos, the album is here:
(Caiti, there's a bunch of good ones of Cole there!)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A little self-promotion

I promise that Halloween Photos are on the way, and will have been posted by the weekend. They're great!
This Christmas Season, I am just thrilled to have found myself wrapped up (and filled up) with music again! I have lucked into some really wonderful gigs, and am surprised to feel how deeply I'd missed all of this. It's a part of life that I've let go undeveloped too long... (so here's hoping they all go well!)

Here's a list of where and when, if you can make it out:
Nov. 22nd, 4:00 pm -- Seraphim will sing at the Festival of Trees (Orr Bldg, state fairgrounds)

Nov. 30, 5:30 pm -- Fealty (ancient music group) will be playing at Cantrall Methodist

Dec. 2 -- Meagan Turner and I will be entertaining a women's group from a local church with flute/violin and vocal duets (this is just for their women's group, no public, but I'm excited about it and have to mention it anyway!)

Dec 12, 13: Fealty will play at the LLCC Madrigals dinner (they'll play on the 14th too, but I had this other gig...)

Dec. 14: I'll play flute with the Prairieland Voices chorus for the Charpentier "Messe de Minuit pour Noel" at the Episcopal Church at the corner of 2nd and Lawrence (St. Paul's, I believe).

I can't express how excited I am about all of these!

And below, a photo of Seraphim:

And another: