Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A little self-promotion

I promise that Halloween Photos are on the way, and will have been posted by the weekend. They're great!
This Christmas Season, I am just thrilled to have found myself wrapped up (and filled up) with music again! I have lucked into some really wonderful gigs, and am surprised to feel how deeply I'd missed all of this. It's a part of life that I've let go undeveloped too long... (so here's hoping they all go well!)

Here's a list of where and when, if you can make it out:
Nov. 22nd, 4:00 pm -- Seraphim will sing at the Festival of Trees (Orr Bldg, state fairgrounds)

Nov. 30, 5:30 pm -- Fealty (ancient music group) will be playing at Cantrall Methodist

Dec. 2 -- Meagan Turner and I will be entertaining a women's group from a local church with flute/violin and vocal duets (this is just for their women's group, no public, but I'm excited about it and have to mention it anyway!)

Dec 12, 13: Fealty will play at the LLCC Madrigals dinner (they'll play on the 14th too, but I had this other gig...)

Dec. 14: I'll play flute with the Prairieland Voices chorus for the Charpentier "Messe de Minuit pour Noel" at the Episcopal Church at the corner of 2nd and Lawrence (St. Paul's, I believe).

I can't express how excited I am about all of these!

And below, a photo of Seraphim:

And another:


Caiti said...

Wow, I will try and make it some of your gigs :)

Could ya post a couple of pics of Cole from Halloween, I didn't get any. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

when you find out specs about the 14th gig, let us know...we will be in town that promises as we will have josh, jenn and logan w/us...and they may want to do other things...but let us know