I promise that Halloween Photos are on the way, and will have been posted by the weekend. They're great!
This Christmas Season, I am just thrilled to have found myself wrapped up (and filled up) with music again! I have lucked into some really wonderful gigs, and am surprised to feel how deeply I'd missed all of this. It's a part of life that I've let go undeveloped too long... (so here's hoping they all go well!)
Here's a list of where and when, if you can make it out:
Nov. 22nd, 4:00 pm -- Seraphim will sing at the Festival of Trees (Orr Bldg, state fairgrounds)
Nov. 30, 5:30 pm -- Fealty (ancient music group) will be playing at Cantrall Methodist
Dec. 2 -- Meagan Turner and I will be entertaining a women's group from a local church with flute/violin and vocal duets (this is just for their women's group, no public, but I'm excited about it and have to mention it anyway!)
Dec 12, 13: Fealty will play at the LLCC Madrigals dinner (they'll play on the 14th too, but I had this other gig...)
Dec. 14: I'll play flute with the Prairieland Voices chorus for the Charpentier "Messe de Minuit pour Noel" at the Episcopal Church at the corner of 2nd and Lawrence (St. Paul's, I believe).
I can't express how excited I am about all of these!
And below, a photo of Seraphim:
And another:
Wow, I will try and make it some of your gigs :)
Could ya post a couple of pics of Cole from Halloween, I didn't get any. Thanks!
when you find out specs about the 14th gig, let us know...we will be in town that promises as we will have josh, jenn and logan w/us...and they may want to do other things...but let us know
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